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REA Services

Technology Support

Supplementation of technology support services is one of the five areas of services to be offered by a Regional Education Association, as noted in NDCC CHAPTER 15.1-09.1 (

One of the foundations for the organization of the NESC in 2001, was a means for schools to share in a technology support position, which would provide services for computer networking and infrastructure support.  This support is still offered as a benefit to schools who choose to opt-in for this service.

For more information on the technology and technology support services of the NESC, contact

School Improvement

ND Regional Education Associations support schools in their continuous school improvement efforts according to the following systems, frameworks, and/or standards:

Data Collection & Analysis

ND Regional Education Associations help schools effectively collect, analyze, and interpret student performance data for the purpose of informing teaching and learning.


  • All schools have a comprehensive assessment system and data analysis system in place.
  • Schools have leadership teams in place to guide and monitor these systems.
  • Teachers and teams monitor individual student performance.

The NESC offers support to schools regarding academic data analysis and School-Wide Information System (SWIS) implementation and data analysis.  Additionally, the NESC can assist schools in building a culture of meaningful and consistent data usage through the Data Utilization Project leadership workshop series and the Taking Action with Data all-staff, workshop series.

For more information contact the NESC Director of Professional Learning and Operations, Erin Lacina at or 888-701-6372.

Curriculum Enrichment

All ND Regional Education Associations seek to facilitate the expansion and enrichment of curricula in member schools.


  • Curriculum Expansion is enhancement of curriculum or course offerings (e.g., Career and Technical Education, AP courses, dual credit courses, ITV).
  • Curriculum Enrichment is the process of selectively modifying a curriculum by adding educational content or new learning opportunities (e.g., MarketPlace for Kids, Expanded Learning Day, After School Programs).


Quality education systems are built upon college and career-ready standards, rich and engaging curricula based on the standards, and high-quality, aligned assessments to measure student learning. REAs should take steps to promote rigorous standards, effective assessment systems, and strong curriculum.